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Vinyasa, Sequencing & The Subtle Body: Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers
Welcome to Vinyasa, Sequencing & Subtle Body!
Introduction to The Kaivalya Yoga Method
Meet Your Instructor: Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D.
Enjoy the Journey!
Guidelines for Safe Sequencing for the Subtle Body
Introduction to Safe Sequencing Guidelines (58:17)
Overview of the Conscious Arc of Sequencing (22:44)
Understanding and Aligning the Subtle Body (13:14)
Sequencing for the Subtle Body (10:33)
Safe Sequences: Standing Poses (hips forward vs. hips to the side poses) (7:38)
Teaching a Sun Salutation: Complete Instructions
Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A): Complete List of Postures and Cues
Surya Namaskar A: Sun Salutation A (4:12)
Surya Namaskar B (Sun Salutation B): Complete List of Postures and Cues
Surya Namaskar B: Sun Salutation B (5:37)
Prana, Pranayama & Bandhas
Pranayama: Overview and Definition (11:32)
Bandhas: Practice & Application
Pranayama: Simple Yogic Breath (9:17)
Pranayama: Ujayi Breathing (4:22)
Pranayama: Brahmari Breath (5:32)
Pranayama Technique: Cooling Breath (Sithali)
Pranayama: Kapalabhati (6:27)
Pranayama: Nadi Shodhana (8:47)
Maya & the Koshas
Yoga Philosophy: The 5 Koshas (38:11)
Yoga Practice: Yoga Nidra (Moving Through the Koshas) (30:06)
Yoga Philosophy: Maya & The Gunas (The Veil of Illusion and its Qualities)
Chakras: Seven Sacred Centers of Energy
Chakras: Overview & Description (38:48)
Chakras: Working with Chakras for Transformation (53:47)
Chakras: Vinyasa Practice for the Energetic Body (76:48)
Chakras: Restorative Practice for the Energetic Body (54:27)
Chakras: Meditation for the Energetic Body (18:35)
Samples of Safe Sequences for the Subtle Body
Sample Sequence: Warm-Up: Lunge Stretch (6:02)
Sample Sequence: Standing Poses: Triangle Series (8:50)
Sample Sequence: Standing Poses: Crescent Series (10:52)
Sample Sequence: Forward Bends: The Sages (7:55)
Sample Sequence: Backbends: Cobra, Locust & Bow (5:35)
Sample Sequence: Cool Down: Relax the Back (7:26)
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Pranayama: Simple Yogic Breath
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