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Yoga Beyond the Matâ„¢: Making Yoga Your Daily Spiritual Practice
Introduction to Spiritual Living
Welcome! What this Course Teaches You (4:01)
What is Spiritual Practice? (7:27)
Benefits of a Home vs. Studio Practice (6:07)
Practical Tips to Create Space Inside and Out (11:09)
Simple Morning Gratitude Practice (3:19)
About Alanna Kaivalya
Workbook 1: Introduction
Foundations to Spiritual Practice
What Does it Mean to be "Spiritual" and Have a "Practice"? (18:31)
Basic Elements of Yoga Sadhana (18:03)
Basic Yoga Philosophy (39:29)
Simple Ritual for Home Practice (6:02)
Create Your Personal Ritual (7:01)
Workbook 2: Foundations to Spiritual Practice
What to Do on Your Mat
What To Do On Your Mat (11:38)
Basic Art of Sequencing (50:45)
Overview of the Chakras (Subtle Energy Centers) (42:50)
Sequencing for the Energetic Body (12:23)
Guided 60 Minute Practice (61:40)
Workbook 3: What the Heck to Do On Your Mat
Get Ready...
Ins and Outs of Asana Practice
The Keys to the Asana Kingdom
Warm Up: Lunge Stretch (6:02)
Warm Up: Shoulder Stretch (5:28)
Simple Sun Salutation (5:55)
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) A (4:12)
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) B (5:37)
Standing Poses: Triangle Series (8:50)
Standing Poses: Crescent Series (version 1 & 2) (19:51)
Standing Poses: Twisting Series (9:21)
Standing Balance: Tree & Warrior 3 (4:49)
Standing Balance: Big Toe & Moon Rise (4:43)
Headstand Sequence (4:08)
Shoulder Stand Sequence (4:15)
Forward Bends: The Sages (7:55)
Forward Bends: Birds at the Gate (6:46)
Forward Bends: Core & Boat Series (4:53)
Backbends: Cobra, Locust & Bow (5:35)
Backbends: Frog, Hero & Camel (7:13)
Backbends: Jai Hanuman! (8:25)
Cool Down: Relax the Back (7:26)
Cool Down: Release the Hips (5:52)
Shavasana: Let Go (10:22)
In-Depth Look: Because, Why Not?
In-Depth Look: How to Use Props (7:11)
In-Depth Look: Tadasana (5:33)
In-Depth Look: Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana) (7:28)
In-Depth Look: Headstand (Sirsasana) (5:52)
Mapping (and Meditating!) Your Spiritual Sadhana
Why is Meditation Important? (2:02)
What is Meditation...Exactly? (3:50)
Incorporating Meditation Into Your Practice (4:50)
How to Meditate (4:20)
How to Meditate with Mala Beads: Japa Meditation Practice (9:28)
*Bonus* Guided Gratitude Meditation Practice (3:44)
Workbook 4: Mapping Your Spiritual Practice
Going Deeper Into Your Journey
Using the Chakras for Self-Healing (104:54)
Tips & Tricks to Committing to Your Daily Sadhana (8:44)
Simple Ways of Establishing a Daily (Instant) Connection with Yoga (13:37)
Taking Your Yoga Beyond the Mat (5:42)
Bonus Content!
Webinar: What is Yoga? (16:33)
Webinar: Set Your Heart on Fire (13:48)
Lectures from Beyond the Mat (239:10)
Teach online with
Forward Bends: Core & Boat Series
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